Maharashtra Board Class 12 (HSC) Pervious Year English Question with Solution - Feb 2019 SET A - RG Learners

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Maharashtra Board Class 12 (HSC) Pervious Year English Question with Solution - Feb 2019 SET A

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Maharashtra Board Class 12 (HSC) English Question Paper with Solution

English [Set A]

Academic Year: 2018-2019       

Date & Time: 20th February 2019, 1:00 pm

Duration: 3h 

SECTION – I (Reading Skill, Grammar, Vocabulary, Note-making and Summary)

Question 1 :-   [Marks 15]

Question 1.A: Read the first activity, read the extract and then do all the Activitites : [12] 

We were an agrarian people. And my main hobby in my early teens was to wander through paddy field to see the different kinds of birds and how they nest. On the outskirts of the paddy fields, there had been many coconut trees and black palm trees. Beautifully crafted nests of the weaver-birds thookkanaam kuruvikal-would be seen dangling from the ends of palm leaves. Hundreds of these little birds would land on the paddy to squeeze the milk from the tender rice. They would come to the fields when the young stalks come out of the rise-plants. At this stage of the paddy, my father would send me to our field with a tin drum to scare these birds away. But often I have enjoyed the sight of these little birds balancing on the tender stalks and squeezing the milk out of the green rice. When the paddy is ripe enough to harvest, flocks of parrots would land there and cut the ripe stalks with their sharp beaks and fly away with the stalks dangling in their beaks. I have always liked to see this sight also.

The nest of parrots were neatly crafted holes in the trunks of palm trees. I continued to wonder how they made chose holes on the hard trunks until I saw the patient work of the woodpeckers. They were the carpenters and their long, sharp and strong beaks, chisels. They make the holes (in search of worms inside the weak spots of the trunks) and the parrots occupy them. If I heard the sound tak, tak, tak. I knew it was a woodpeckers chiselling a had trunk. I would go after him. It seems that the woodpecker is the only bird which can walk perpendicularly on the tree trunks! How beautiful the sight was! Its strong legs, red crest, the dark red stripe on the face and black beak and the tak, tak, tak sound used to captivate me 

A1. Complete the following table: 

Choose two sentence that appropriately mention the  theme of the passage :

 (i) The extract deals with the techniques to scare the birds away. 

(ii) The extract depicts how parrots make holes on the tree trunks. 

(iii) The extract depicts the writer’s love towards the birds. 

(iv) The extract deals with the activities of different birds. 

A2. Complete the flow-chart :  

Maharashtra Board HSC English Paper with Solution

A5. Personal response -  

Suggest two measures to increase the number of birds.

 A6. Grammar - 

Rewrite the following sentences in the way instructed 

(i) The paddy is ripe enough to harvest (Remove ‘enough’ and rewrite the sentence.)

 (ii) How beautiful the sight was! (Rewrite as an assertive sentence)



(iii) The extract depicts the writer’s love towards the birds.

 (iv) The extract deals with the activities of different birds.


HSC English Image
Maharashtra HSC English Paper 2019 Feb


Environment includes flora and fauna in which birds are also an important parts. 

There are several ways or measures to increase the member of birds. Few of them are :

 • Restore natural habitat in your lacality. City parks and open space can be helpful.

 • Plant more native which provides food, nest sides and cover for birds. 

• Prevent bird collision with your windows as the reflection of your windows might confuse them. 

• Stop kite – flying during Sankrant. 

• Buy bird – friendly products which do not harm them by any means.

 • Keep grains and water in your balcony for them. 

• Keep cleanliness and do not litter. 

• Protect birds from your pets. 

• Avoid chemicals usage or pesticides on plants as birds eat them. 

• Support bird club or other conservation organisation to learn more and contribute towards protecting birds. 

• Learn hunting laws and create awareness among people.


(i)The paddy is so ripe that it can be harvest. 

(ii) The sight was very beautiful.

Question 1.B: Grammar     [3]

Question 1.B.1: Do as directed :    [1] 

When earthquake strikes, world trembles. (Insert appropriate articles wherever necessary and rewrite it.)

Solution:  When an earthquake strikes, the world trembles. 

Question 1.B.2: Do as directed:     [1] 

I spent my holiday _______ some friends ________ a wooden house. 

(Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.) 

Solution: I spent my holiday with some friends in a wooden house. 

Question 1.B.3: Do as directed :   [1] 

Radha said to the teacher, “I feel very happy to help my mother at home.” 

(Change it into indirect speech.) 

Solution: Radha told the teacher that she felt very happy to help her mother at home.

Question 2:       [15]  

Question 2.A: Read the first activity, read the extract and then do all the activities:  [12] 

On this historic moment, I stand here to thank Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. India’s present epoch maker has come over here to bless the state of Maharashtra which is definitely going to last forever. On behalf of thousands of common people, I express my deep sense of gratitude to him for blessing us. 

 We Maharashtrians love him, worship him. And once again, I wish to declare that this state of Maharashtra, recently formed, will work for the betterment of the common people of Maharashtra, but if it comes to sacrifice, whatever best and grand we have, it will be done primarily for India. 

 This is so, because, we believe from the beginning, that Maharashtra depends on India; its greatness depends on the greatness of India. All Maharashtrians believe that both India and Maharashtra can progress only when there is oneness of interest. And, therefore, I have made this clear by bringing to your notice the significance of certain symbols, for example, the Himalayas stand for lndia and the Sahyadri, for Maharashtra. The snowy Himalayas with the highest mountain ranges symbolise India and the Sahyadri with the blackest rock structure and with 200-300 inches rainfall symbolise Maharashtra. I promise you that if the Himalayas are in jeopardy, the Sahyadri of Maharashtra will use its black rock structure like a shield to protect the Himalayas. ‘Hard labour’ is the watch word of our times. And, Panditji, you have given us the message of building Maharashtra and our nation by hard labour. We are going to inscribe this valuable message on our minds and try our best to look at your blessings and your guidance, as the blessings and guidance of an epoch maker. 

A1. Read the following statements. Find out the correct statements and write them down : (2) 

(i) Both India and Maharashtra can progress if they have different interests.

 (ii) Hard work is the only way to build the future of India and Maharashtra. 

(iii) The sacrifice of the best and grand in Maharashtra will be made for the state of Maharashtra. 

(iv) In times of great calamity the Sahyadri will protect the Himalayas, like a shield. 

A2. Complete the following statements : (2) 

(i) The interest of Maharashtra and that of India should be one for the progress of Maharashtra state, because ................ 

(ii) Maharashtra depends on India, because ................ 

HSC English 2019

A5. Personal response - (2) 

Give your suggestions that will help the people to make Maharashtra prosperous. 

A6. Grammar - (2) 

Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed : 

(i) India and Maharashtra can progress only when there is oneness of interest. (Rewrite it using ‘unless’) 

(ii) This state of Maharashtra will work for the betterment of the common people of Maharashtra. (Rewrite it using modal auxiliary showing ‘obligation’) 

Solution: A1 . 

(ii) Hard work is the only way to build the future of India and Maharashtra.

 (iv) In times of great calamity the Sahyadri will protect the Himalayas, like a sheild. 


(i) The interest of Maharashtra and that of India should be one for the progress of Maharashtra, state because India and Maharashtra can only progress when there is oneness of interest. 

(ii) Maharashtra depends on India, because its greatness depends on the greatness of India. 



(i) Gratitude – ingratitude 

(ii) Clear – Unclear 

(iii) Believe – disblieve 

(iv) Significance – insignificance 


According to me, Maharashtra can be prosperous if the people or citizens are really willing to work towards it. Few initiative or steps that we can ensure is to see that our cities have basic facilities like food, clothing, shelter, education and health services easily available. For this alongwith the government we citizens have to make a realistic plan and execute the services so that every citizen living gets the benefits which id also his rights. Proper infrastructure also adds to this. Citizen can ensure that their locality is clean & there is greenary so that the city looks beautiful and environment is also taken care. Citizens should support the Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan. Proper education given to every child and most importantly create the awareness among people about their rights and duties both. By following the above points, I am sure we all can contribute towards prosperous Maharashtra.


(i) Unless there is oneness of interest India and Maharashtra cannot progress. 

(ii) This state of Maharashtra must work for the betterment of the common people of Maharashtra. 

Question 2.B: Note making :     [3] 

Read the following extract and complete the note given below : 

The small village of Somnathpur contains an extraordinary temple, built around 1268 A.D by the Hoyasalas of Karnataka - one of the most prolific temple builders. Belur and Helebid are among their better-known works. While these suffered during the invasion of the 14th century, the Somnathpur temple stands more or less intact in near-original condition. The small temple captivates with the beauty and vitality of its detailed sculpture, covering almost every inch of the walls, pillars and even ceilings. It has three Shikhars and stands on a star-shaped raised platform with 24 edges. The outer walls have a profusion of detailed carvings: the entire surface run over by carved plaques of stone: There were vertical panels covered by exquisite figures of God and Goddesses, with many incarnations being depicted. There were nymphs too some carrying an ear of maize, a symbol of plenty and prosperity. The elaborate ornamentation, very characteristic of Hoyasala sculptures was a remarkable feature. On closer look and it is worth it-the series of friezes on the outer walls revealed intricately carved caparisored elephants, charging horsemen, stylized flowers and warriors. 

Somnathpur Temple

(1) Location : ___________ 

(2) Year : 1268 A.D

(3) Built by : ___________ 

(4) Captivates with : ___________ 

(5) Structural features : 

(i) Three Shikhars 

(ii) Star-shaped platform with 24 edges 

(iii) Outer wall carvings, ___________ charging horsemen, __________ and warriors. 

(iv) Nymphs-symbol of ___________ 

Solution: Somnathpur Temple 

(1) Location : Somnathpur (Somnathpura) 

(2) Year : 1268 A.D. 

(3) Build By : Hoysalas of karnataka 

(4) Captivates with : The beauty and vitality of its detailed             sculpture, covering almost every inch of the walls, pillars and even ceilings. 

(5) Structural features : 

(i) Three shikhars 

(ii) Star-shaped platform with 24 edges. 

(iii) Outer wall carvings, the entire surface run over by carved plaques of stone charging horsemen, stylized flowers and warriors. 

(iv) Nymphs – Symbol of plenty and prosperity.

Question 3.A: Read the first activity, read the extract and then do all the activities : [15]

Have you are wondered why soldiers are always clad in green? This is to enable them to camouflage themselves during wartime. Hiding in the jungles, their green attire blends into the surrounding trees and shrubs, making it difficult for the enemies to spot them. Long before man-made use of camouflaging, insects have already adopted the tactic of disguise to escape from the clutches of their predators. By having body colour close to those of the rocks and dried leaves, they can escape from being pursued by the predators. Butterflies and moths have developed a variety of camouflage strategies since they are quite defenseless and their predators are abundant. Possessing wings which resemble dried leaves help certain butterflies and moths to hide among heaps of dried leaves when predators are around. Fortunately, not all insects choose the art of disguise to escape from their predators; otherwise, the world would be so dull and colourless. There are insects which assimilate the bright body colours of bees and wasps to escape from being pursued by their predator. Long ago, birds have already learnt to avoid brilliantly coloured wasps and bees in fear of their painful stings. Hence, over millions of years, many harmless insects have assimilated the bees and wasps by imitating. Their bright body colours and shapes. In this way, they appear dangerous and hence ward them off. The beefy, not only appears like the bumblebee in terms of body colour, even its hums sound similar too. The only difference is that the beefy does not have a stirring and is hence harmless. The hoverfly is another insect which imitates. the body colours of the wasps. Their bodies are striped yellow and black. The only deviations are that hoverflies do not have stings, and they have only one pair of wings each while wasps have two pairs each. These variations are hardly noticed by the predators and hence help them to escape.


A4. Vocabulary - (2) 

Find the words from the passage for : 

(i) animal or bird that hunts other for food 

(ii) to get free from danger 

(iii) to prevent something from harming 

(iv) to make a copy 

A5. Personal response - (2) 

‘Soldiers disguise themselves to prevent enemies to spot them’. Give two more examples when the disguising technique is used by humans. 

A6. Grammar - (2) 

Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed : 

(i) They have only one pair of wings. (Make it negative without changing the meaning) 

(ii) Insects have already adopted the tactic of disguise to escape from the clutches of their predators. (Replace infinitive with gerund and rewrite) 

(B) Summary : (3) 

Summarise the above extract with the help of the points given and suggest a suitable title. 

Camouflage of soldiers and insects - reason and ways for disguising - assimilation of insects - need of imitation. 


A3.  The examples from the passage to prove the statement- 'Nature has given selfprotection mechanism to insects’ are : 

(i) By having body colour close to those of the rocks and dried leaves, they can escape from being pursued by the predators. 

(ii) Possessing wings which resemble dried leaves help certain butterflies and moths to hide among heaps of dried leaves when predators are around. 


(i) predators 

(ii) escape 

(iii) tactics 

(iv) imitates


The examples of the disguising technique used by humans are: 

(i) Native American Hunters wore wolf skins to stalk buffalo. 

(i) The cloaks of invisibility used for magic shows or duplicate the person.


(i) They do not have more than one pair of wings. 

(ii) Insects have already adopted the tactic of disguise for escaping from the clutches of their predators. 

(B) The Deceptive marking 

Camouflage is used by soldiers in order to protect them from the enemies and also to be safe from the insects who are camouflaging in the jungle in between the rocks, trees, shrubs and dried leaves. Soldiers use this technique so that they can hide in the jungle area and their enemies could not spot them easily and attack. Nature has given insects the art of disguise naturally like having body colour or possessing wings which resemble dried leaves or rocks. So that they can escape from being pursued by the predators. The assimilation of insects is done as their bright body colour and shapes so that they appear dangerous and hence ward them off. There are several similarities and differences between beefy, bumblebee, hoverfly, wasp and other insects. The need for imitation in insects is required because their variations are hardly noticed by the predators and it helps them to escape 

SECTION - II (Poetry) 

Question 4: Read the following extract and then do all the activities that follow :   [8] 

How do you know 

Peace is a woman? 

I know for

I met her yesterday

on my winding way to the world’s fare, 

She has such a wonderful face just like a golden flower faded before the prime. 

I asked her why 

She was so sad? 

She told me her baby was killed in Auschwitz,

her daughter in Hiroshima and her sone in Vietnam, Ireland, 

Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Bosnia, Rwanda, Kosovo and Chechnya ...... 


A3. Personal response : 

Suggest two solutions to avoid wars. 

A4. Creativity :  

Compose two poetic lines titled “Say ‘no’ to wars”.

image hsc question


Wars have existed since prehistoric times but ultimately it never helped anyone and infect led to destruction of property and people losing their life. According to me, to avoid wars firstly, the roots of wars must be addressed. Wars will not provide any end solutions. Instead, communicating or discussing the issue will help us to get the solutions for the same. This is the best possible was to avoid wars and resolve the issue or concerns. Along with, that law enforcement and military approach should be in place. Arms control and diplomacy should be taken care of. 


“Say ‘no’ to wars” The horrible menace and terror of war, Shakes me being at its very core. Destruction, along and so much fire, Death follows all, as lives expires. 


War affects so many lines, Children, parents friends and wives, First-hand terror for those that serve, No human being, such a death deserve.

Question 5: SECTION – III (Rapid Reading and Composition)  [8] 

Question 5.A: (A) Read the extract and do the activities that follows : [4]

“Pluck the flowers off”, said the other boy and the daisy trembled for fear, for to be pulled off meant death to it; and it wished so much to live, as it was to go with the square of turf into the poor captive lark’s cage.  “No, let it stay,” said the other boy, “it looks so pretty.” And so it stayed, and was brought into the lark’s cage. The poor bird was lamenting its lost liberty, and beating its wings against the wires; and the little daisy could not speak or utter a consoling word, much as it would liked to do so. So the forenoon passed. “I have no water,” said the captive lark, “they have all gone out and forgotten to give me anything to drink. My throat is dry and burning. I feel as if I had fire and ice within me and the air is so oppressive. Alas! I must die, and part with the warm sunshine, the fresh green meadows, and all the beauty that God has created.” And it thrust its beak into the piece of grass, to refresh itself a little. Then it noticed the little daisy, and nodded to it, and kissed it with its beak and said : “You must also fade in here, poor little flower. You and the piece of grass are all they have given me in exchange for the whole world, which I enjoyed outside. Each little blade of grass shall be a green tree for me, each of your white petals a fragrant flower. Alas! You only remind me of what I have lost. 

A1. True / False -  

State whether the following statements are true or false :

 (i) The boys had kept water in the cage for the lark. 

(ii) The daisy had a desire to console the poor lark. 

(iii) The lark was reminded of its lost liberty.

 (iv) The daisy did not want to go into the lark’s cage.

A2. Write an imaginary ending :  

Write an imaginary paragraph in about 50 words to give a different ending to the above extract. 

Solution: A1. 
(i) False 
(ii) True 
(iii) True 
(iv) False 

The poor lark felt that the daisy should have accompanied him so that the lark and the daisy could go around everywhere together and would have a lot of fun. Poor lark just wanted to enjoy his life by flying over everywhere not alone but with his beloved daisy. They wanted to spend good time together.

Question 5.B: (B) Read the extract and do the activities that follows :   [4]

“May I come in?” asked the pink lady. 
“Please come in,” said my mother. “Do sit down. Do you require a room?” 
“Not today, thank you. I’m staying with Padre Dutt. He insisted on putting me up. But I 
may want a room for a day or two – just for old times’ sake.” “You’ve stayed here before.”
“A long time ago. I’m Mrs. Green, you know. The missing Mrs. Green. The one for whom 
you put up that handsome tombstone in the cementery. I was very touched by it. 
And I’m glad you didn’t add ‘Beloved wife of Henry Green’, because I didn’t love him any more than he loved me.”
“Then – then – you aren’t the skeleton?” Stammered my mother. 
“Do I look like a skaleton?” “No!”, we said together. 
“But we heard you disappeared,” I said, “and when we found that skeleton —”
 “You put two and two together.” 
“Well, it was Miss Kellner who convinced us,” said my mother. 
“And you did disappear mysteriously. You were missing for years. 
And everyone knew Mr. Green was a philander.” 
“Couldn’t wait to get away from him,” said the pink lady. 
“Couldn’t stand him any more. He was a lady killer but not a real killer.” 
“But your father came looking for you. Didn’t you get in touch with him?” 
“ My father and I were never very close. Mother died when I was very young, and the only relative I had was a cousin in West Africa. So that’s where I went – Sierra Leone!”

B1. Complete -  
Complete the following sentences:  (i) Mrs. Green couldn’t stand Mr. Green, because ________. (ii) The relationship between Mrs. Green and her father ________. (iii) Mrs. Green cousin lived in ________. (iv) Miss. Kellner convinced the narrator’s mother that the skeleton was of Mrs. Green, because ______. 

B2. Convert dialogue into a story : 
Convert the above dialogue into a story form in about 50 words. 

Solution: B1.  
(i) because he was a lady-killer, but not a real killer 
(ii) was never very close 
(iii) West Africa 
(iv) because she suddenly had disappeared when the skeleton was found 

The pink lady was actually Mrs Green who suddenly disappeared to West Africa to her cousin’s place because Mrs Green was a philanderer and always loved hanging around with different ladies who was unfortunately her husband. So she never loved him. Mrs Green after returning back was staying with Padre Dutt but just to remember old days she wanted to stay in the hotel for 2 to 3 day.

Question 6: SECTION – IV (Written Communication)  [12] 
Question 6.A: Attempt any one of the following   [4] 

Question 6.A.1: Write a letter to The Chief Officer, Road Transport Authorities, drawing his attention to the problem of frequent traffic jams in your locality suggesting some solutions for the problem.        [4] 


ABC 206, 
Rose villa, 
Bandra (W), 
18th February, 2019 
The Chief Officer, 
Road Transport Authorities, 
Fort – 400018.

Subject: Complaining about the problem of frequent traffic jams.  


This letter intends to bring to your kind attention to the unimaginable harassment commuters face on XYZ road due to the growing instances of traffic jams. We know that the number of vehicles on the roads is on the rise and that there is no proportional increase in the number of roads. So, traffic jams are bound to happen. 
It stretches one’s tolerance to the ultimate limit when buses and autos on this busy road show an appalling disregard for any kind of traffic law. 
We have faith in the Police Department and fully understand the dedication of officers and request you deploy few such officers on this road, to bring this situation under check. 

Thanking you in anticipation. 

Yours truly,


Question 6.A.2: Your College is 20 km away from your village. You go to the college by S.T. bus, but the bus timings are not convenient for you and other students. Write a letter of complaint to the Depot Manager of your town/city. Suggest some solutions for the problem.          [4]


ABC 206, Rose villa, 
Bandra (W), 18th February, 2019  
The Depot Manager, State Transport Services, 
Fort – 400026.

Subject: Complaining about inconvenient bus timings for students.  


I would like to draw your attention to the despairing lack of public transport in the locality. My college is 20 km away from my village and we have to travel by S.T. bus but bus timings are not at all convenient for me and other students as well. Buses do not ply on the long stretches and cabs are out of the question due to the high prices they charges.   
We need more public transport at the convenient timings when students travel to schools/ colleges along with more traffic police who will be able to help us. 
We are willing to petition the council office but we are hoping you could kindly help us in this matter. Hence, it is my earnest request that you will be so kind as to the needful. 

Thanking you in anticipation. 

Yours Truly, 
Question 6.B: Attempt any one of the following  [4]

Question 6.B.1: Leaflet -        [4]

 Prepare a short Tourist Leaflet on any hill station you like, with the help of the following points : 
• How to go there
• Where to stay
• Places worth visiting 
• Shopping attractions 
• Add your own points 


A pleasant hill station in the state of Maharashtra, Mahabaleshwar grabs the attention of many tourists. This hill station boasts of extended jungles and calm ambiance. The word 'Mahabaleshwar' is Sanskrit word that means 'God of Great Power'.

(i) How to reach there: By Air: Pune Airport lies 120km from the place is the nearest airport. By Rail: Wathar has the nearest railway station, about 62km. By Road: Many State Transport buses run from Mumbai and Pune to Mahabaleshwar. Private Taxis are also available. 

(ii) Where to stay or Accommodation: Mahabaleshwar has no dearth of accommodation options. There are many hotels ranging from deluxe to budget. Other options include tourist lodges, guest houses and luxury resorts. One can easily choose the one that suits them the best. 

(iii) Best time or season to visit : Best time to visit this place is from March to June during summer season. Avoid travelling during monsoon.   

(iv) Places to visit or What to see : There are many mind-blowing places to visit like, Wilson Point  popularly known as the 'Sunrise Point, it is the highest point situated above 4710 ft above sea level, Wilson Point is the vast plateau. Connaught Peak. It is the second highest point, presenting spectacular views of a green carpet.  Elphinstone Point, Discovered in 1830, it was named after Sir Elephinston, the Governor of Bombay. Arthur's Seat is said to be the queen of all points, offering ample opportunities to see the barren deep valleys on both sides. Baghdad Point is an impressive point, which goes past village Moleshware on the way. You can view the beautiful views of the backwaters of Koyna dam on your left side, whereas river Solshi is in front of you with small villages. Mahabaleshwar has other popular attractions, which include names like Marjorie Point, Castle Rock, Babington Point, Northcote Point, Falkland Point, Carnac Point, Fitzgerald Point, Bombay Point and Gaolani Point. Several other popular names are Lodwick Point & Boars Head, The Lamington Plateau, Panchgani Point, Helen's Point, Rosamond Rock, Water Falls, Polo Ground and a Bee Keeping Centre. 

(v) Special features: Mahabaleshwar is a very popular shopping place, Da Sabrane Road, which is also known as the Main street. Honey, strawberries, mulberries, jams and jellies are good items to buy from here.


Question 6.B.2: Report writing -      [4] 
Your college celebrated the ‘World Environment Day’. You are the Class Representative. 
Write a report on the Celebration of the ‘World Environment Day’ with the help of the help of the following points:
(i) Inauguration of the function 
(ii) Address by the Chief Guest 
(iii) Various activities carried out 
(iv) Exhibition arranged 
(v) Vote of thanks 


6th June 2018 

Rao Junior College of Science located at Andheri West celebrated its World Environment Day on 5th June 2018. Mr. Salman Khan was the Chief Guest of this ceremony. He planted a rose plant and inagurated ceremony. There were lot of crowd as many people gathered to watch Salman Khan and also to be a part of this programme. He addressed in his speech to all people “To save mother earth plant more trees”. Students of our 11th Std Div. A  reformed Drama on ‘Mother Earth’, apart from this class -12th  students performed a group song to save mother earth. At last college gave an activity to all the students “Cultivate Seeds and Nurture the Plant” under this activity our college arranged Exhibition to show how students have nurtured various plants. Tree plantation was also done in the college ground. After all the activities snacks was distributed to all the students and staff. Our Principal Sir Mr. Rao felicitated Mr. Salman Khan, and said special thanks for sharing his time with us. Overall the programme was a great success with everyone’s effect.

- By Student Reporter. 

Question 6.C: Attempt any one of the following    [4]
Question 6.C.1: Counter-view -       [4] 

 Read the following View Section and Develop a Counter-View Section in about 120 words: 

View Section
Law should enforce children to look after their old parents. Law must step in where values deteriorate. Grey population has doubled in the las 25 years. Protection for the eld View Section erly persons is a serious concern for the welfare state The experience of the old people can be fruitful to the younger generation

Solution: Counter-view :

Elderly persons: A blessing to the society 

In our Indian society, parents are given status equivalent to God. As said, our first teacher in life are always our parents. No one can ever replace our parents in our life. There is no need to any law to enforce children to take care of their parents in their old age. This is ones basic responsibility and this should be innate (from within). A child should himself understand that when we were kids our parents took care of us so its our responsibility when we grow up to take care of them. If each individual thinks on this whether a daughter or a son would not need any law for the same. In last 25 years, rather than Grey population the number of experienced people has double in the society. Since, we Indians have got our values and cultures from our parents for the protection of elderly persons we do not need any welfare society. The family values learned keep everyone together in the family with all the love and care. We know that the experience of old people is always fruitful to the younger generation but with time the situations and the way to handle these situations have hanged. So, not all their experiences & knowledge is useful. But they are an important part of our family and society both. 



Solution: Information Transfer :

Communication – The Human connection  

Language is a method of human communication, either spoken or written whereas communication is exchanging the information Language & Communication both are inter-related. For better understanding or functioning communication should be clear & concise. Though effective communication is essential, there are several barriers to effective communication. The major issue is language as we know every country or community has a different language when it comes to speaking or understanding it is difficult for the other person.

At times, even people speaking same language have difficulty in understanding each other. The second one is time, where in everyone is busy in today's life we hardly get time to talk to each other and on top of that if we are in different countries the time zone also matters. Noise is another barrier as while speaking to anyone if there is any disturbance over the phone, network or internet it interrupts our talks. The next barrier is distance as we all are living in different parts of the world the ways or methods of communication also differs Eg. We call to talk over the phone, message to chat on different sites or may do a video call using skype or other app using internet. The distance impacts these factors & can interrupt our communication like when we talk while travelling. Distraction is another issue which becomes a barrier to effective communication as while talking to a person if we are distracted the communication can go on a different track or may move out of the topic rather than the actual topic. The other problem is discomfort with the topic like in a conversation if the other person is not comfortable to talk about specific topic it may leave the conversation without any conclusion or of no use. Lastly, lack of interest also hampers the communication like if a person is not interested in your talks he may ignore it or might not be attentive or may get half knowledge & all other possibilities. Hence, for an effective communication all these factors matter and should support an individual in a conversation. 

Question 7:      [7]

Question 7.A: Interview Questions :  [4]
Imagine that you are going to interview a Sarpanch of a village, who has been selected for ‘Adarsh Gaon Award.’ Frame a set of 8 to 10 questions to interview him/her. 

Solution: Good morning Sir, I am glad that I have got this opportunity to talk to you today so that people can know more about you and ‘Adarsh-Gaon’ since you have been nominated for 'Adarsh Gaon Award'. 

Q.1) How are the elections conducted in your village?
 Q.2) Who motivated you to participate in the election for the post of ‘Sarpanch’? 
Q.3) Who are the other members of your Panchayat samiti? 
Q.4) As per you, what is the role of a Panchayat Samiti in a village? 
Q.5) What inspired you to bring such changes in your villages that everyone is appreciating today? 
Q.6) How is the funding of Gram Panchayat done? 
Q.7) How does Government helps a village in making it a ‘Adarsh Gaon’ ? 
Q.8) What is the best thing that ever changed in your village ? 
Q.9) What were the challenges that you have faced during these years as a Sarpanch? 
Q.10) What is an Adarsh Gaon according to you? 
Q.11) Where do you see your village in coming three years? 
Q.12) Any message you would like to share with other villagers? 

Question 7.B: Speech Drafting:      [3] 

Your college has organized an elocution competition. One of the topics therein is ‘Importance of Health’. Prepare a speech on it in about 100 words with the help of the following points :  
 • Importance of exercise 
• Importance of yoga 
• Importance of diet 

Speech writing: 
A very welcome to one and all present here. I am ABC from grade XIIth. Today, on this World Health Day, I would like to share my views, about ‘Importance of health’ in every individual's life.

 “Those who think they have no time for exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness”.

 A very famous saying by Mr. Edward Stanley – the three-time PM of the are the U.K. We are all aware & will agree with Mr. Edward. And the truth is a lot of us are even conscious about the fact that health is a matter of almost important. We all know and have heard umpteen number of times to have a healthy start to begin our day. Let us face it, how many of us truthfully follow a health regime. I would say just about 20% roughly! It is not a fact but my estimation, it may be low or it may be high, depending on country to country, region to region. According to a survey in America a few years back, obesity was becoming a bigger disease than cancer. Only a healthy person can enjoy the fruits of his labor. What use is one's richness if a person who is wealthy lacks good health? He or she will be spending most of it either a medical bill or on employing help who will assist then to complete their daily chores. “Health is like money, we never have a true idea of its value unit we lose it.” So before this happens to us, and we lose our health, it is time to think and change. Lastly, I would want to point out, that great health can be achieved by eating healthy, following at least one physical activity every day, if possible, sleeping sufficient, drinking enough water to keep doing yoga. 
Yes and most importantly stay away from junk food as far as possible. Regular exercise is the best.
 I end my speech with this very famous saying by William Shakespeare “Our bodies are our gardens – our will our gardeners”. 

Thank You. 


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